Item Coversheet
Town Council Meeting on: May 8, 2018

Section of Agenda
Ordinances - First Reading

Agenda Title

ORDINANCE NO. 09-2018 - An Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, Amending the Code of Ordinances at Chapter 2, Administration, Article III, Officers and Employees, Division 1, Generally, at Section 2-136, Appointive Administrative Officers, so as to Delete the Term Public Safety Director and Substitute for that Term the Terms Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Rescue; Amending Division 5, Director of Public Works at Section 2-247, General Duties, Supervision by Manager, to Delete the Reference to the Public Works Director being under the Direct Supervision of the Town Manager; Further Providing that all References in the Town Code to Public Safety Director Shall Now be Referred to as Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Rescue; Providing for Severability; Providing for Repeal of Ordinances in Conflict; Providing for Codification; Providing an Effective Date.

Jay Boodheshwar, Deputy Town Manager

Memorandum dated April 30, 2018, from Jay Boodheshwar, Deputy Town Manager
Ordinance No. 9-2018
Town Government Updated Organizational Chart