Item Coversheet
Town Council Meeting on: AprilĀ 15, 2020

Section of Agenda
Ordinances - Second Reading

Agenda Title

ORDINANCE NO. 06-2020 An Ordinance Of The Town Council Of The Town Of Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, Amending Chapter 106 Of The Town Code Of Ordinances At Article VII, Special Events On Public Property, At Division 1, Section 106-256, Definitions, So As To Amend The Definition Of Special Event To Include Walk/Run; Further Amending Section 106-283, Standards For Issuance, So As To Provide That Special Events Shall Be Subject To Section 106-289; Including A New Section 106-289 Titled Walks And Runs, So As To Provide For Applications For Such Activities And Procedures And Criteria For Approving A Walk/Run Event; Providing For Severability; Providing For Repeal Of Ordinances In Conflict; Providing For Codification; Providing An Effective Date.

Jay Boodheshwar, Deputy Town Manager

Ordinance No. 06-2020